Herb Profile: Black Walnut
Black Walnut, Juglans nigra

Black walnut is useful in treating skin diseases, particularly of a fungal nature, including eczema, psoriasis, herpes, and skin parasites. It is a very effective treatment for athlete’s foot. It is indicated, too, when there is a combination of skin and gastrointestinal issues as a result of an internal parasite or fungus, such as candida, pin worms, or tape worms.
It can be used in a number of ways, and can be taken internally or used externally. If taken internally, herbalist Matthew Wood recommends low-dosing, taking 1-3 drops 1-3x/day, while an olive oil infusion of the crushed hulls can be used as the base for an anti-fungal salve. It can also be powdered and used in foot soaks, and as a wash for skin infections. As a tincture, black walnut can be applied topically to herpes and cold sores.
Black walnut is not recommended for long-term use. Taken in large doses internally, black walnut is a sedative to the heart and circulatory system. Additionally, black walnut hulls will stain the skin if applied topically, though the stain only lasts for a few days. Not recommended for use if pregnant.
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